We’ve flipped our calendars on to 2020 and it’s the dawn of a new decade!  As we look to the future, it’s natural to think about the things we want to achieve and to decide what our priorities are going to be.

For many after the festive season, a high priority is improving their health and appearance. Many people say that they are dissatisfied with their smile and would love to change it, but they have always assumed that it would involve lots of expensive dental work, or that now they are an adult, nothing can be done.

Discreet braces

Take orthodontics for instance, the specialism in dentistry that deals with straightening teeth. Most people think it is only an option for children or teenagers whose teeth are still growing, and they’ve never heard of adult braces. And many still have memories of highly visible train tracks or metal braces which they can’t quite imagine wearing as a grown-up!

Thankfully, teeth straightening has moved on a long way. For many straightening requirements, clear aligners such as Invisalign and the Inman Aligner are the discreet and effective solution that we recommend. Barely visible, they work gently and effectively to move your teeth into the desired position in a matter of months, not years.

Smile brightening

If you’re unhappy with the colour of your teeth, there are now fast and effective options to help you achieve the whiteness you desire. First off, book yourself in for a hygiene appointment during which, as well as seeing off stubborn plaque, we can remove any stains caused by smoking or drinking tea and coffee.

We also offer a variety of teeth whitening treatments to suit your lifestyle, including both in-surgery and take-home treatments which you can apply at a time to suit you in the comfort of your own home.

Another option is veneers, which are ultra-thin layers of porcelain bonded to your teeth. They can hide a surprisingly large variety of defects, including chips and gaps and those small irregularities that have always bugged you.

And finally, if you need to repair a chip or crack or require a filling, we offer composite white fillings which, unlike metal amalgam or gold alternatives, are not noticeable in the mouth. Treatment is normally carried out under a local anaesthetic and involves minimal discomfort or downtime. They are a fast and natural-looking restorative option and the perfect solution for patients who need fillings in their visible front teeth.

Give yourself something to smile about

If you are dissatisfied with the look of your smile, the good news is that there are now plenty of non-invasive, discreet and effective options available. Give us a call or make an appointment and we will happily go through all those options with you.

In the meantime, the best advice we can give for maintaining a smile you’re proud of is to make (and keep) a new year’s resolution of brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste. And don’t forget to floss!

To find out how we can help you improve your smile, call us on 01482 565488 or send us a message.