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StoptoberStoptober happens every year to challenge, encourage and support smokers to quit for 28 days. Smoking is the cause of countless diseases and oral health problems, many of which are entirely preventable. This month’s blog shines a light on all of the fantastic benefits of quitting, and all of the free resources available to help you along the way. If you can quit for 28 days, you are five times more likely to quit for good – so are you ready for the challenge?

How smoking impacts your oral health

It’s no secret that smoking has terrible consequences for overall health, including cancer, heart disease and reduced fertility – and your oral health is no exception. Smoking can cause:

  • Yellow and stained teeth – The nicotine and tar in cigarettes is quick to settle into tooth enamel and turn teeth yellow or brown.
  • Gum disease – Gum disease is more common in smokers and can lead to tooth loss.
  • Bad breath – Smoking can make your mouth dry and cause halitosis.
  • Mouth cancer – In fact, tobacco is the leading cause of mouth cancer.  

What is Stoptober?

Stoptober is an annual event that encourages smokers across the country to attempt to quit from the 1st October for at least 28 days. Many find that the mutual support and free resources make it an appealing way to quit, and it works – Stoptober has helped over 2.5 million people quit smoking so far. 

5 reasons to quit

  1. Your physical health
    Cigarettes flood your body with thousands of chemicals, and many of them are poisonous. As soon as you stop smoking, your body begins flushing these chemicals out of your system and all carbon monoxide is gone after 48 hours.After 72 hours, your lungs clear out mucus and it becomes easier to breathe, taste and smell. Make it through the 28 days and you’ll have better circulation and be on your way to 10% improved lung function. Stick it out for 10 years and your risk of death from lung cancer has halved! Your longer-term risks of heart disease and stroke will also be significantly reduced, and you’ll be less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and dementia.
  1. Your mental health
    While many people choose to smoke to deal with stress and anxiety, smoking does not actually benefit your mental health or wellbeing. Evidence shows that people who successfully quit have less anxiety, depression and stress. It can take just six weeks to begin to feel the mental health benefits of quitting.
  1. Your looks
    Smoking has a detrimental effect on how you look, with smokers in their 40s likely to have the same number of wrinkles as non-smokers in their 60s. In addition to the serious oral health risks of smoking, it also causes unsightly staining on the teeth. When you quit smoking, more oxygen gets to your skin, making it brighter. Your teeth will also no longer be at risk of being stained with nicotine and tar.
  1. Your family
    Teenagers who grow up with parents who smoke are four times more likely to smoke themselves. Being a smoke-free role model may discourage your children from taking up smoking, and it increases your chances of being physically and mentally healthy to support them throughout their lives.
  1. Your wallet!
    Smoking is an expensive habit, and quitting saves the average smoker £38 per week – that’s £2000 a year! 

Stoptober makes it simple

The NHS Quit Smoking website is full of handy tips to make quitting easier, and there are lots of free resources available to support you throughout the month and beyond!

NHS Quit Smoking App

This free app is designed to encourage you to quit, keep you motivated and allow you to start breathing easier. You can track your progress, see how much money you are saving, and access daily support in times of need.

Get your personalised quit plan

Answer 3 simple questions on the NHS Quit Smoking website, and they will provide you with the step-by-step personal quit plan that’s right for you.

Expert help

Receive free professional help and advice whenever you need it at your local Stop Smoking Service, boosting your chances of quitting by three times. The trained advisors offer you support in a one-to-one or group session.

Join the Facebook group

Get support, advice and motivation from a community of people who are trying to quit, or who have successfully given up smoking.

What about vaping?

Vaping is only recommended for adult smokers as a way to quit smoking. Nicotine vaping is not risk-free or good for you, but it is thought to be less harmful than smoking cigarettes. This can make it a useful tool during the process of quitting, and nicotine vapes are one of the most effective stop smoking aids. When you are ready and feel sure that you won’t go back to smoking, you can begin to reduce the nicotine strength in the vape until it’s nicotine-free. 

Start Stoptober with a stunning smile

When you embark on the 28-day Stoptober challenge, you’re making a commitment to a healthier and stain-free smile. So, why not treat yourself to tooth whitening to remove any stains or discolouration caused by smoking – to give you some extra motivation?

543 Dental Centre offers both in-surgery whitening and at-home professional whitening, and both options promise a dazzlingly bright smile to see you through October and beyond.


To find out more about Stoptober and how to quit, visit